Wednesday, April 14, 2010

When I was little, I lived in a complex with a huge lawn area at the end. In the winter, the guy that plows the road pushed all the snow into a HUGE pile on the lawn. All of my friends and I played out there all day, everyday. It didn't matter how cold it was or how late it was, we were out there forever. We made long tunnels and big caves. We made forts and had snowball fights. We thought it was so great that we had a place of our own to go and hang out. As it started to get warmer and melt, our fort began to change. It formed new tunnels and more places to play. Eventually it melted all together. We were so excited for next winter and hoped it would come again, but it never did. As disappointed as we were, it kind of made that one winter special .

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Where I work, we charge five cents for plastic bags. I think that this is a good thing. Plastic bags take a very, very long time to decompose and most people don't recycle them. However, not all customers would agree with me. For all those people out there that think charging for bags is crap, I think the fact that you can't open up your wallet, pull out a whole five cents and pay for a plastic bag to carry your paint brush in, is crap! You are already spending over fifty dollars, what is another five cents? You probably wouldn't notice if you were not informed that you would be charged for a bag and were anyways. You have just made your way all the way up to my till with your TWO items...Why the hell can't you walk another thirty steps out to your vehicle without a bag!? And now you are screaming at me like it is my fault that this ridiculous policy
I have some sort of control over it or something..And telling me that you won't be coming back. I won't miss you and have fun avoiding Wal-Mart when they start charging five cents for bags in one month.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Top 3 Favourite Drinks At Starbucks.

For my top 3 list, I have chosen to do my top 3 favourite drinks at Starbucks. I based my criteria on flavour and calories.

1) Shaken Iced Tea Lemonade with Black Tea.
2) Chai Tea Latte with Soy.
3) Mocha Frappucchino.

Shaken Iced Tea Lemonades with Black tea are made with Tazo tea shaken with lemonade. They're flavour is very sweet and is very refreshing, especially in the summer. It is by far the best tasting drink at Starbucks. Shaken Iced Tea Lemonades are 130 calories, which is not much compared to alot of the drinks at Starbucks. Shaken Iced Tea Lemonades definitely deserve number 1 on my list.
My second favourite drink at Starbucks is a Chai Tea Latte with Soy. It is a spicy drink of black tea infused with cardamom, cinnamon, black pepper and star anise added to freshly steamed milk. This drink is really delicious in the winter and keeps you warm! Chai Tea Lattes are regularly 240 calories but i always order them with soy. This drops the calories down to 210.
Mocha Frappucchinos are a sweet and creamy combination of chocolate, Starbucks coffee, and milk, blended with ice and topped with whipped cream. These are also good to drink in the summer because they are delicious and cold. These have 380 calories which is a significant amount. This puts Mocha Frappucchinos in third place.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Super Power.

If I had the oppurtunity to choose any super power, it would be the ability to teleport. If I wake up late for school or could not get to work on time, I could just teleport there in no time at all! Making this power very convenient to have. I could travel to more places in a lesser amount of time. If I had the ability to teleport, I would travel to South America to take pictures in Brazil and Chile. I would go shopping in England and Spain. I would visit the pyramids in Egypt and the Colosseum in Rome. In the winter, I would teleport somewhere tropical so that I could be tanned and warm all year round. I would have such a variety of pictures and places to go. I love taking pictures so this power would be the best one to have for me!